This bibliography contains selected critical appraisals, journal aritcles, reviews, and exhibition catalogues dealing with Quintanilla's prints, as well as references to works cited within this catalogue raisonné.
- (Enties are presented alphabetically by author or, if no author, by title. Entries preceded by an asterisk contain illustrations of Quintanilla prints.)
- This bibliography and exhibition list will continue to be supplemented over time. Click here to visit a more extensive bibliography (on the website "The Art and Life of Luis Quintanilla," which lists works by and about Luis Quintanilla, his work in all media, in both Spanish and English.
- Adams, Clinton. American Lithographers 1900-1960 The Artists and Their Printers, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, 1983.
- Bailly-Herzberg, Janine. L'Estampe en France 1830-1950. Paris: Arts Et Métiers Graphiques, 1985.
- Burdett, Basil. "The Drypoints of Luis Quintanilla." The Print Collectors Quarterly. London: July, 1935, 265-78. Prints illustrated in the article: #s 3, 15, 19 20, 21 24 25. (For full text reprint of this article in PDF format, click here.
- Dos Passos, John. Preface to the exhibition catalogue "Quintanilla." New York: Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1934.
- *Green, Jerald R. and Charles H. Molesworth.: “Drawings of the Spanish Civil War.” New York: Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, 1999.
- Hemingway, Ernest, Preface to the exhibition catalogue "Quintanilla." New York: Pierre Matisse Gallery, 1934.
- Jewell, Edward Alden. "Luis Quintailla Puts Art on View" [review of exhibition at Associated American Artists Gallery, Nov. 1939]. The New York Times, November 7, 1939.
- Lopez Sobrado, Esther.
- Luis Quintanilla an exhibition of drawings of the war in Spain. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1938.
- *Luis Quintanilla. [exhibition catalogue] Associated American Artists, New York: Nov. 7- 25, 1939 (includes essay by Eliot Paul and letter from Quintanilla addressed to "Ernesto" (Ernest Hemingway). Prints illustrated in catalogue: #s 2; 11; 19; 29; 33.
- *Luis Quintanilla (1893-1978) Estampas y Dibujos en el legado de Paul Quintanilla. [exhibition catalogue] Santander, Spain: Universidad de Cantabria, May 26-July 16, 2005 (Includes essay by Esther Lopez Sobrado as well as an extensive bibilography -- in Spanish) Prints illustrated in catalogue: 1; 3; 13; 14; 15; 17; 25; 26; 28; 34; 36; 37; 38; 41;
- "Luis Quintanilla Spanish Loyalist To Show Art Here." New York Times. February 16, 1938.
- Quintanilla, Luis. Pasatiempo, la vida de un pintor (Memorias) [The Memoirs of Luis Quintanilla .Ed. Esther Lopez Sobrado]. Anexos de la Biblioteca del Exilio, Santiago de Compostela, [Spain]: Ediciós de Castro, 2004.
- Quintanilla, Paul. The Art and World of Luis Quintanilla. http://www.lqart.org/ (Click here to view an extensive bibliography of works by and about Luis Quintanilla appearing on this website.)
- ____________. Waiting at the Shore: Art, Revolution, War, and Exile in the Life of the Spanish Artist Luis Quintanilla. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press: 2003.
- *"Quintanilla." Pierre Matisse Gallery (exhibition catalogue). New York: Nov. 1934. (Click here to view portions of the catalogue.)
- Lopez Sobrado, Esther. "Luis Quintanilla Entre Santander y Paris." La Revista de Santander, 61, Santander, Spain, Oct.-Dec. 1990, 37-43.
- _________________. Mujeres en la vida de Luis Quintanilla." Vivir en Cantabria, 3, Santander, Spain, 1991, 74-80.
- _________________. "Luis Quintanilla." Viñetas de ayer y hoy, 6, 2004, 15-18.
- Watrous, James. A Century of American Printmaking 1880-1980, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1984.
- Windisch, Gail. A Catalogue Raisonné of prints published by Associated American Artists. (This work is currently in progress and as yet unpublished.)
- Woods, Katherine. "Luis Quintanilla's Spain" [review of All the Brave] The New York Times. July 30, 1939.
This page last revised: Sunday, January 14, 2007
Selections from the
Catalogue Raisonné
(Click the image or title to go to the full entry.)

El botijo
(The Earthen Jug) Drypoint

Calle de Madrid [4]
(Madrid Street) Drypoint
