All the Brave
The contributors to All the Brave clockwise from lower right:
Quintanilla sketching, Jay Allen, Eliot Paul, and Ernest Hemingway.
Pen and ink drawing
(from All the Brave)
by Luis Quintanilla, c. 1938.
All the Brave is an anthology of images created by Quintanilla based on his direct observations of the Spanish Civil War with texts by Ernest Hemingway, Eliot Paul and Jay Allen. Mostly reproductions of his Spanish Civil War drawings, the book also includes four "original lithographs made by the artist exclusively for the deluxe and first trade editions."
The drawings were created by Quintanilla in Spain in 1937. In early 1938, Quintanilla traveled to New York to present the drawings to the Museum of Modern Art for an exhibition, which began on March 8. According to The New York Times:
- Mr. Quintanilla, now in New York, turned over to the museum yesterday almost the entire series of drawings, which represents the major part of his extant art. While some of his paintings have survived in the museums of modern art in Madrid and Barcelona and in two portraits in this country, the greater part has been destroyed in the war.
- All the drawings to be shown here have been made since last July. Mr. Quintanilla said yesterday through an interpreter at 21 Washington Square North [the home of his friend the American foreign correspondent Jay Allen]. He explained that he had avoided hysteria and done his best to present an objective pictorial report of the war, not minimizing its fatalities and not treating it with emotionalism. ("Luis Quintanilla Spanish Loyalist")
The four lithographs are dated 1938 and appear at the conclusion of the book in the order shown below. The book itself was published in the United States in 1939, the year Quintanilla began his long term exile in New York. The lithographs serve, therefore, as a figurative bridge between the artist's two worlds.
For a presentation of Quintanilla's Spainish Civil War Drawings, click here. For an account of the origins of the book including its publishing history, click here. Both of the preceding links will take you to the website The Art and World of Luis Quintanilla created by Paul Quintanilla, the artist's son.
The artist took his title All the Brave from the Wordsworth sonnet "Indignation of a High-Minded Spaniard," (1810) the subject of which is the invasion of Spain by Napoleon in 1807, which took place over a century before The Spanish Civil War. That war is also memorialized in all of its horror in the series of etchings, "The Disasters of War," by Goya, the artist-printmaker to whom Quintanilla is most often compared.
- We can endure that He should waste our lands,
Despoil our temples, and by sword and flame
Return us to the dust from which we came;
Such food a Tyrant's appetite demands:
And we can brook the thought that by his hands
Spain may be overpowered, and he possess,
For his delight, a solemn wilderness
Where all the brave lie dead . . . . . . . . . . . . .